Entry 3: Lukewarm Tea

Image result for aesthetic no motivation gifs

Y'all, we're almost at halfway done! To be completely honest with you hotties, within the first few weeks my motivation for doing this project went from 100 to maybe 35 at this point, but that doesn't mean that I am skipping days or anything, it just means that this feels like a drag to do. (it's probably because the spreads I'm doing are requires a lot of straight lines)

As I've mentioned (multiple times) bullet journaling is a pretty easy task, but it does take a lot of time and planning. Recently I've been pretty busy my G. and it feels like I have to rush to write in my journal. Something that I do that makes me pretty proud is that I tend to bring it everywhere I go and try to write in it when I have the time or have anything that I would want to need to jot down like my work schedule, ideas, and thoughts or some basic things like if I was making dinner this night I would write down the ingredients I would see.

At the start of this project, my expectations were unbelievably high and as time went on it had caused me to lose motivation because it is just so time-consuming. As a way to improve that I will start journaling right before bed so I would have something to do before sleep takes me (which is usually pretty late like between midnight-1:30 a.m.). Maybe I'll catch up on shows and change my light to a nice shade of violet while I bullet journal so I won't be entirely useless for a good three hours. 

Another issue that I stumbled upon was my lack of creativity and my artistic skills are a little rusty. Before each entry, I would have to sketch out the layout on a different piece of paper just to make sure I liked what I was doing and I would just keep sketching and tossing until I made one I was happy with.

I've always tried to be the next Picasso in these entries, but whenever there is a pencil or brush in my hand I just end up looking like those people who give the Bob Ross painting tutorials a go. Maybe if I added some doodles into the mix to spice it up and make the pages look more lively and less dull.

Image result for bob ross
(the king himself Bob Ross)

 After almost three weeks I have a lot more respect and give props to the people who do this every single day because it does take a lot of dedication and time to do these types of things. Just planning the spreads is kinda stressful to make sure they look nice and neat for the most part (unless the messy look is what you're going for). There was a good thing that came out of this, it really did help me become more of an organized person.

xoxo gossip girl


  1. Sorry to hear that it's been a slog recently. Is there a new bullet journal technique that you might try to reinvigorate yourself?

  2. Hey Katie! I really like the concept of bullet journaling, but I've never tried it. Normally on Instagram I see people who are already experts. So, its super refreshing to see somebody who is just starting out! I'm excited to see the progress you make.

  3. hey pal. sucks that ur project sucks, but im sure its just cus ur being forced to do it for school and theres other stuff you'd rather be doing. if you take measures to make it a little spicy however, im sure youd be able to find joy in your work once more. Dont try to make it look nice and sketch things out, just go for it and if it looks bad then oh well, thats just the only way youll learn to be able to create your own designs and stuff.


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